In the world of Ikebana, vases and containers are called 'Kaki'.
In our classroom, there are various flower vases and basins.
Warabite-basami (bracken sprout shaped handles) are used for cutting branches and stems.
'Moribana' is the arrangement using Kenzan (needle point holder) and basin.
'Nageire' is the type to be arranged in a tall vase.
Whenever you finish a curriculum, you can apply for a certificate through a licensed teacher.
The concept of Ikenobo school Ikebana is that it can be created anytime, anywhere,
by anyone in any part of the world, and with any kind of materials.
In case of cancellation, cancellation fees will be charged as below;
30%........... 4 - 7 days prior to the class
50%........... 2 - 3 days prior to the class
80%........... the day prior to the class
100%......... the class day
We offer hands-on experience classes and walking tours.
You must be careful and responsible for your own safety. We will not be held liable for accidents.